6 Keys to Look for in a Sonora Dental Implant Dentist

The staff of a dental implant dentist will be empathic and care about your results.

Dental implants provide long term solutions to dental problems such as missing teeth. When done incorrectly, dental implants may end up ruining your mouth’s aesthetics, damaging your mouth, or resulting in other oral complications. Considering the long-term nature of dental implants, you need a dental implant dentist who will install them correctly and help you […]

Why the Need for Root Canals, Sonora Patients Often Ask

For treatment of root canals, Sonora dentist Jeff Berger is a top choice.

Americans associate pain with root canals; Sonora residents are no exception. Despite what patients hear or read, the objective of root canals isn’t to cause immense pain; instead, it’s to relieve tooth pain and save smiles. Advancement in dental equipment and anesthesiology has made the procedure virtually painless and more straightforward than ever before. According […]